Application support resolves a multi-backend merger

Application support resolves a multi-backend merger

The Situation On The Ground 

Each of three organizations within a major labour body was operating from its own local separate backend system. It was clear from extensive consultation with users that several of their needs could not be fulfilled without executing a streamlined merger into a single, unified site. In this way it would better serve all business segments simultaneously, efficiently, and reliably. 

Turning to Cofomo’s application support expertise meant they could make full use of those advantages specific to Cofomo: versatility, large capacity, a cost-saving emphasis on reusability, use of recognized tools, experts with in-depth know-how and who are committed to working with a decidedly friendly client-centric attitude. 

Cofomo’s expertise and service were key to resolving this complex challenge successfully for everyone involved.  

The Solution: Bringing It All Together 

It was determined that the implementation of a single content management system (CMS) instead of three, coupled with the standardization of site maintenance, evolution processes, and content update would significantly enhance and rectify the sites’ current management issues. 

The managed services team will be responsible for site maintenance and evolution, both of which are intended to make operations easier and more reliable.  

The Maintenance and Evolution Manifesto 

Maintenance services: Maintenance of a functional website must be in line with required service levels and be able to restore a fully operational site following an outage or service reduction. Evolution services: Should support the ongoing evolution of the business needs of the organization’s informational website. They will be arrived at through simple incremental improvement or by the development and integration of new applications. 

This process simplification, as intended, made the operation of a single unified site easier, more reliable, with all the advantages of streamlined management protocols. 

The Results

Here’s a quick overview of how Cofomo’s Managed Services Centre applied the benefits of application support for this major project:

Centralized maintenance and support now provide simplified, streamlined, and optimized backend processes. 

The client was freed from the day-to-day maintenance and supervision by the Cofomo Managed Services Centre. 

There is now a single point of contact for all site support requests. 

Systems now operate reliably and securely thanks to cloud technology.  

Trust From The Top 

Thanks to strong governance and effective work methods, Cofomo was able to demonstrate its ability to deliver the project as required and ensured system maintenance and support.  

In a short time, the head of the agency, who’d been present during the initial monthly status meetings expressed complete confidence in our team and judged it appropriate to pull back his participation. 

Expectations exceeded, again. 

Doing More. Doing Better. 

As part of its application support expertise, Cofomo’s Managed Services Centre (MSC) now acts as a single point of contact for support requests at this government agency site. 

The MSC recommends adjustments and enhancements for recurring issues while tracking application updates. Requests for changes or additions to the site are handled quickly and efficiently, allowing clients to focus on other tasks. 

In the event of operational or security incidents, the client can track response and resolution times and progress through direct access to the ticket tracking system. 

Protocols for response procedures have been created and vary according to their priority level as submitted to MSC. Cofomo’s incident coordinators and/or client service manager are responsible for priority 1 and 2 requests, allowing the central team to focus their efforts on resolving more serious issues. 

Cofomo currently has a team of specialists who: 

  • provide application support and application evolution; 
  • provide tier 2 support; 
  • respond to client evolution requests; 
  • offer 24/7/365 incident management. 

The need for application support is becoming more and more apparent among successful businesses. Staff is redirected, necessary capacity is added, continuity is ensured, and IT hassles are eliminated. 

Cofomo’s application support expertise, implemented through our project delivery model, is aimed at creating solutions for leading clients in all sectors, from food and beverage to transportation, financial, industrial and, as is the case here, government.  

Contact us to share your needs, evaluate your situation, and discuss together the optimal way forward.  


Information for this article was compiled from several sources: 

• Cofomo Internal Case Studies 

• We’d also like to extend a special thanks to Mathieu Cormier, Director of Cofomo’s Managed Services who helped supply essential background information, and who clearly had a large part to play in this success story.

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