Expertise: Intelligence
Cofomo launches its new Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence
Enabling organizations to adopt and maximize the benefits of secure, ethical and robust AI Cofomo, an…
Artificial Intelligence: beyond automation and intelligence
Organizations who adopt and exploit automation, robotics, and intelligent systems have a key competitive edge. They’ve…
Co-Innovation: human/machine collaboration
Human-machine collaboration perceives, learns, memorizes, understands, decides, and applies knowledge, providing individuals and AI systems with the ability to overcome their…
Law 25, Data, And You. Compilance Is Easy. Failure, Expensive.
Here’s what you need to know. Now. Law 25, Québec’s data privacy and protection legislation, affects you…
Cofomo Rolls Out Data Virtualization Services With Denodo
Montreal, November 7th, 2022Cofomo News Service (CNS) Cofomo, a Canadian IT and business consulting services leader,…
AI: Service Or Servitude?
For those with an eye and an ear for these things, few topics have elicited as…
Business intelligence: a faculty that learns
Understanding the customer’s technological maturity and business reality is the gateway to a successful long-term relationship.…
There is an app for that!
By creating a task execution application, you are adopting a business model based on the digitalization…
Content and records management: ensuring your data assets can work for you
Making informed decisions based on the variety, volume, speed and veracity of big data. Data mining,…